Dysport Before and After

What You Need to Know Before and After Dysport Treatment

Updated on June 29, 2022, by Don Mehrabi

Dysport is a wrinkle remedy that works just like Botox. When given by a highly skilled cosmetic dermatologist, it can quickly make you look enviably young and radiant and stay that way for a long time. But what you do before and after the procedure greatly impacts your recovery and the cosmetic result.

Dysport Injection

This article walks you through our top pre- and post-treatment care recommendations for attaining timeless beauty with Dysport.

But first, you might want to know…

Is Dysport as Good as Botox?

That depends on how you use the drug.

Dysport is a processed botulinum toxin product like Botox. Botulinum toxin is a paralyzing bacteria-derived protein that can be fatal when taken in large quantities. But doctors can heal a lot of muscle dysfunction-borne conditions when it is given in small doses.

Differences in the processing of the raw neurotoxin yield Dysport and Botox. While both are equally useful in the medical field, clinical research has shown a few subtle contrasts in their performance:

  • Muscle relaxation begins in the first few days, though some studies show Dysport acting slightly faster than Botox. Of note, patients observe their maximal effects at about the same timearound two weeks.
  • The effects of Dysport treatment linger a bit longer than those of Botox injection. The duration for both injectables is usually around four months, but five- or six-month periods are reported more often with Dysport use.
  • Dysport comes in a medium containing cow proteins. Hypersensitivity is avoided when the drug is given strictly to people without cow protein allergy. By comparison, Botox contains only human albumin and sodium chloride besides the neurotoxin.
  • Dysport tends to relax the facial muscles more, so the cosmetic results are slightly better.
  • The FDA-approved sites for Botox cosmetic injection include the glabella, forehead and beside the eyes. Dysport has only one—the glabellar lines. These recommendations are based on the evidence supporting their effectiveness, safety and performance consistency in these locations. But cosmetic dermatologists may use either drug off-label—or without FDA approval—outside these regions.

That said, picking between these two drugs is not as simple as shopping for beverages in a grocery aisle. Your medical history and choice of provider are also critical if you want to optimize the benefits of botulinum toxin injection.

We explain this subject in-depth in our article comparing Botox and Dysport.

FDA-approved sites for wrinkle-relaxing injectables
FDA-approved sites for wrinkle-relaxing injectables

What Can You Expect During Your Consultation for a Dysport Procedure?

Patients seeking cosmetic Dysport injection are usually looking for an effective, long-lasting wrinkle treatment. But Dysport gets rid only of “dynamic wrinkles”—those skin folds arising from repeated facial muscle movement. It does not get rid of “static wrinkles,” the furrows and fine lines stemming from skin aging and collagen loss. Working with your dermatologist will help you explore your options and develop the best treatment approach.

First up, the doctor will inquire about how your skin problem evolved. Other parts of your medical history that can impact wrinkle treatment—and might get asked—include your lifestyle, medication intake, current skin care routine, allergies, occupational stress, menstrual history (for women) and family history.

During the physical examination, they may need you to make facial expressions to help them assess dynamic wrinkle severity.

After their evaluation, the specialist will discuss their findings and offer a treatment plan. They may schedule your Dysport session right away if it is appropriate for you.

If necessary, they may also prescribe a new skin care regimen or combine Dysport with another cosmetic procedure. Treatments that can take care of static wrinkles include chemical peel, dermabrasion, dermal fillers, IPL, laser skin resurfacing, microneedling, PRP injection, etc.

Before Dysport Injection 2

What Should You Do to Prepare for Your Dysport Injection?

Preparing for your Dysport appointment helps you avoid complications. Here are the best tips we give our patients:

  • Avoid cigarettes and alcoholic beverages starting one week before your session. Smoking and drinking can disrupt the healing process.
  • Bruise-prone individuals may take bruise-preventing arnica or bromelain starting 2-4 days before the procedure.
  • Avoid blood thinners like aspirin, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs starting two days before your appointment. The intake of supplements like Ginkgo biloba, turmeric, garlic and vitamin E may also disrupt the blood clotting process.
  • Activity restriction is part of the aftercare regimen. Consider an extra exercise workout one day or several hours before your Dysport session. 
  • Wash your face and keep it makeup-free before you come in for your appointment.

The timing of your Dysport procedure is also crucial. It takes several days to see some results, so it’s best to book your appointment two or three weeks before your next big social event. If you need a combined treatment, space the procedures weeks apart or as advised by your specialist.

What Happens During a Dysport Session?

Dysport injections are not very different from Botox procedures. Your dermatologist will clean up the treatment area at the beginning of the session. They may ask you to frown or smile to help them see the target muscles better and determine the appropriate dose. After that, the actual injection. The whole session should take no more than 15 minutes. 

If you are sensitive to pain, you may use an ice pack or topical numbing medication on the treatment area before injection.

What Are the Dos and Don’ts After a Dysport Procedure?

As in Botox treatment, the Dysport aftercare regimen is simple. And doing it right helps you prevent complications.

Things You Shouldn’t Do After Dysport Injection

During the first four hours after injection, your doctor may advise you to avoid activities that risk spreading the toxin to distant sites. They include the following:

  • Lying on your back
  • Scratching the injection site
  • Putting heavy pressure or heat on the treated area
  • Sauna-bathing, suntanning, vigorous exercise and other activities that can make you flush

You may resume your usual after that period. 

Things You Should Do After a Dysport Session

There is no surgical wound to care for after Dysport treatment. However, some patients develop mild bruising or feel sore for days after the procedure. Here are some things you can do to get rid of these symptoms quickly if you experience them:

  • Ice the injection site repeatedly during the first 24 hours after your session.
  • Avoid vigorous activities for up to two days. Doing so limits facial blood flow and further bruising.
  • Take arnica or bromelain for a few more days.
  • Sleep upright during the first few nights after the procedure.
  • Protect the treated area from trauma.
  • Apply makeup only if your skin is free from irritation.
  • Cleanse and moisturize your face twice daily, using light pressure.

But if you’re not sore or bruised, simply follow the post-treatment skin care regimen prescribed by your dermatologist.

If you want to learn how to make Dysport results last longer, you may check out our in-depth Dysport aftercare guide.

What Is the Timeline of the Results of a Dysport Procedure?

The timeline varies from patient to patient, but you may notice some weakening of facial muscle activity in the first 1-3 days. Expect maximal relaxation by the second week.

After four months, the facial muscles will slowly recover. The frown lines will likewise deepen again. The dynamic wrinkles will go back to their old form by the fifth or sixth month.

The effects of wrinkle relaxers are temporary. Two or three repeat treatments yearly are necessary to keep dynamic wrinkles flat and unnoticeable. Other measures that can help you prolong the effects of Dysport injections are discussed in our Dysport aftercare guide.

The Effects of Dysport Treatment
The Effects of Dysport Treatment

What Are the Potential Side Effects of Dysport Injection?

Cosmetic Dysport procedures are safe but not entirely free of risks.

The most common side effects are swelling, redness and discomfort. Vulnerable patients may see bruising. These symptoms are normal bodily reactions to skin injections. They will last no more than a few days, even without treatment. If you are pain-sensitive, icing the treated site or taking acetaminophen can help.

Complications are highly unlikely, but the following may occur if the procedure is not done properly:

  • Headache
  • Injection site infection
  • Altered sensation or numbness on the treated area
  • Fainting
  • Allergic reaction
  • Unsatisfactory cosmetic outcome
  • Stroke-like facial paralysis
  • Reduced efficacy due to antibody formation against the drug
  • Botulinum toxicity, presenting as severe head and neck muscle weakness

Board-certified dermatologists are extensively trained in cosmetic procedures, including Dysport injections. You can easily avoid unwanted side effects by leaving your treatment in capable hands.

You may check out our article on finding a good cosmetic dermatologist to learn more about where to seek help for wrinkle treatments.

Why Should You Entrust Your Dysport Injections to Our Specialists at BHSkin Dermatology?

Insurance usually does not cover cosmetic Dysport treatment, so you’d want to make every dollar count. Our award-winning skin care professionals at BHSkin Dermatology can guarantee that because:

  • They have years of experience with wrinkle relaxers.

Not all doctors are trained in botulinum toxin injection, especially the relatively newer Dysport. Get it right the first time by getting someone who knows Dysport dosage and injection technique by heart.

  • You can expect the results to be cosmetically superior.

Board-certified dermatologists have advanced knowledge of facial and skin anatomy, giving them the edge in the cosmetic use of injectables.

  • Only bona fide Dysport experts can guarantee that your treatment is free from unwanted side effects.

Studies show that complications from cosmetic dermatology procedures are generally the handiwork of unlicensed providers. Unwanted side effects can make Dysport treatment much more expensive. Avoid them by entrusting your procedure to one of BHSkin Dermatology’s skin doctors.

  • They specialize in treating all types of wrinkles.

Dysport is best for dynamic facial lines but does little for static ones. Not all doctors are trained to get rid of these blemishes.

Meanwhile, BHSkin Dermatology’s skin care professionals offer a wide array of wrinkle treatments, from topical skin care products to laser resurfacing. Our skin experts can help you reverse facial aging and keep you wrinkle-free cost-effectively.

You will never go wrong when you trust BHSkin Dermatology’s specialists for your skin care needs.

Dysport Treatment of Forehead Wrinkles and Crow’s Feet
Dysport Treatment of Forehead Wrinkles and Crow’s Feet

What to Do Before and After Dysport Treatment—A Recap

Dysport procedures involve using a purified paralyzing bacterial toxin to smooth out facial wrinkles. They work just like Botox cosmetic treatments, though the drugs’ applications are slightly different because of subtle biochemical and clinical disparities. The injection process and pre- and post-treatment regimens are essentially the same for both.

The procedure is generally safe but not totally free of risks. Complications may arise, particularly when an unqualified provider performs it. To get the best results from your Dysport injection, entrust it only to a bona fide Dysport specialist.

For Timeless Beauty, Trust Only LA’s Best Skin Care Professionals

Dysport injection is a cost-effective facial wrinkle remedy. But with the nuances of the procedure, you’ll have more peace of mind entrusting it to a cosmetic dermatology expert.

At BHSkin Dermatology, our award-winning Dysport specialists have helped numerous patients reverse the signs of aging and stay young-looking for… well, indefinitely. Visit our Glendale or Encino office or use our virtual portal for a consultation.

Book your appointment today!


Author: Don Mehrabi

Don Mehrabi, MD, FAAD, is LA’s leading board-certified dermatologist who treats patients, builds the BHSkin clinics, and raises three kids. This blog builds on medical studies combined with Dr. Mehrabi's first-hand experiences from practicing in Encino-Tarzana, Glendale, and online

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