

Arms with Psoriasis.

Common Causes

Psoriasis appears as a hereditary disease with over half a dozen genes being involved. Those who have a family history of psoriasis are at higher risk of contracting the disease themselves. While not contagious, Psoriasis specialists are unsure how large the risk of transmission to offspring really is. Others with high risk include fair-skinned people who live in cold, dry climates and people who smoke. Some patients have reported stress-related flares of Psoriasis as well. Symptoms usually first appear in either early adulthood or around age 60.

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What Are The Types of Psoriasis?

Here are more in-depth explanations of the three main types of Psoriasis:

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque Psoriasis is the most common form of the disease and what most people refer to when they’re talking about Psoriasis in a general sense. About 80% of people with psoriasis have plaque psoriasis. It manifests as thick, red patches of skin that are usually one to 10 centimeters wide, sometimes with a scaly layer colored either silver or white.

This type of Psoriasis appears on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp. Psoriasis dermatologists often prescribe moisturizers like cortisone cream to ease the discomfort and keep the skin from becoming too dry. Psoriasis specialists may also consider light therapy, other creams like coal tar and vitamin D cream, and therapy to stop the cause which could stress or lack of sleep.

Guttate Psoriasis

Guttate Psoriasis is the second most common form of this disease, appearing in about 10 percent of people with Psoriasis. This type manifests as small, red spots on the skin in a drop shape. Guttate Psoriasis usually appears around the torso, limbs, face, and scalp. While not as thick as Plaque Psoriasis, Guttate can develop into Plaque over time. The usual treatment includes steroid creams, light therapy, and oral medications.

Flexural or Inverse Psoriasis

Flexural or Inverse Psoriasis appears as red, shiny, and smooth areas. They’re commonly found in skin folds like under breasts, armpits, or in the groin area. They’re found in these places because they’re caused by sweat and moisture trapped in these folds that keep Psoriasis from shedding. People with Inverse Psoriasis often already have other forms of psoriasis elsewhere on the body. Treatments from Psoriasis dermatologists include steroid creams, light therapy, and oral medications.

Before and after the treatment against Psoriasis.

Treating Different Types of Psoriasis in LA

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that speeds up the lifecycle of skin cells. This rapid production of skin cells leads to the formation of patches and scales. To date, more than 8 million Americans are affected by psoriasis and this number includes men, women, and children of all ages. There is no cure for psoriasis, but treatment options work to stop the rapid production of excess skin cells. This ultimately results in smoother and clearer skin.

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Psoriasis infected area on elbow of arm

Treatments for Psoriasis

There is no cure for this chronic condition but there are many different treatments available. The treatments have varying rates of success depending on different patients and medical situations. Some medications come with serious side-effects. Treatments for psoriasis include:

  • Steroid creams to reduce inflammation.
  • Topical tar.
  • Calcipotriene cream to manage skin cell production.
  • Retinoids to help smooth skin texture.
  • PUVA/NB-UVB light therapy.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Biologics such as T-cell inhibitors or TNF-alpha blockers. Biologics interrupt the hyperactive immune response leading to Psoriasis.
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Steroid Creams

Steroid creams, also known as corticosteroids, are applied directly to the skin. They aid in the treatment of psoriasis by reducing inflammation, decreasing the creation of excess skin cells, and easing itching. Your psoriasis specialist will prescribe the best option for your unique situation.

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Light Therapy

Light therapy, like Narrow Band UVB Phototherapy, can clear up plaques faster than natural sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light. The treatment itself only takes a few minutes, is painless, and doesn’t impact the surrounding skin. If you have psoriasis and reside in the LA area, contact BHSkin Dermatology. Our psoriasis specialist can see if this is the best option for you.

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Retinoids, like Tazorac, help to smooth skin texture. This synthetic form of vitamin A works by decreasing redness and scaling, slowing down the rapid growth of cells, and reducing lesions. Retinoids come in gel and cream form.

A blue clipboard displaying a white checkmark icon, suggesting successful completion or approval, on a plain white background.

Immunosuppressive Drugs

Systemic medications target psoriasis at the source. These drugs suppress the immune system, which means it could also open the door for infections. The body should put the disease into remission after taking this oral medication.


Location map of the following address: 1505 Wilson Terrace.

1505 Wilson Terrace
Suite 240
Glendale, CA 91206

Don Mehrabi MD in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Encino Tarzana, and Glendale. Same/Next Day / Saturday appt.

Location map of the following address: 16030 Ventura Blvd.

16030 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 140
Encino, CA 91436

Don Mehrabi MD in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Encino Tarzana, and Glendale. Same/Next Day / Saturday appt.

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